Wednesday, October 20, 2010

FHE is awesome!

So we have been really good and doing Family Home Evening every Monday for the past month and it has been awesome! We have actually been getting together with some friends who have a baby boy that is 5 months younger than Kaitlyn, and they have so much fun. This last FHE, we carved pumpkins and that actually took longer than usual. But hey, we now have an extra pumpkin and next year another one will be added. lol. Alexs pumpkin is the goul, mine is the bat and for Kaitlyns, hers was fun in its self. I put her hands on the pumkins and traced them, and then realized that the pumpkin was freakin huge and needed to do something else. So I made her hands into eyes and used two different patterns for the mouth and nose. It was fun and it actually turned out better than I thought it would. So I had a doctors appointment yesterday and the due date hasbeen moved to the 13th of March, and the baby is finally where he should be. I have had a few problems with this pregnancy and I am so blessed to know that everything is smoothing itself out. No more bed rest!!! Hate it with a passion! lol. Jumping from subject to subject, but hey got alot to blog about. lol. I have also been making my own christmas presents this year and it has taken me freakin forever..... but they all will finally be done this week. So excited. I will have to post pictures of them carefully seeing how only like 2 people of my family payattention to my blog. But here you go!
If any one could tell me how to pu my pictures with the text...... That would be great. It is getting the best of me.

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