Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New Computer!

So today I just recieved my new laptop and man, I so love it! It is going to be nice to take my craft business with me so others are able to see what I can do straigt from the computer! It will so help me out. On other news, I am hopeing I can get my foot in the door with the school district. Part time still because my kiddos are still so young. And, mommy likes to be around babies. But once my foot is in the door, I am hoping to get some schooling done and quite possible stay in the school district. They have freakin awesome health insurance and benifits. Life is going pretty good though. I did work 6 straight mornings in a row. I'm so glad that today is my Friday though.. Time for a break.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Just had someone order some birthday calendars for a family reunion!! So excited to get my business up and going! :) Its mainly a craft business that is all referralls, so if you are interested let me know! Also tell your friends and family!!